Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy New Year 2008 at Home....

(of course... this letter wrote by my father, he is my part-time assistant)

It is a firecracker at my home during January 01, 2008 about 00.00 AM.
No, this is not the first-time...
It is my second-time of new year eve event but the first-time moment I did not know because it was year 2003 and I only 7 months old...
Anyway, at least, I kept a full-proof photo with trumpet of year 2003 celebration... I am a cute baby according to my parents.

Dinas Pendidikan KEPRI: Selamat & Sukses...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

BATAM POS (26 September 2007) Memotivasi, SIP Gelar Lomba Sempoa Se-Kepri

Postingan kegiatan lama saat Juara I Lomba Sempoa SIP Se-Kepri, 09 September 2007 sambil menunggu Lomba Sempoa se-Kepri 2008 yang rencananya akan diadakan 7 Maret 2008... (mudah-mudahan tahu saya yang mana...)